Episode 1

Published on:

21st Mar 2023

Benefits of Physical Activity

It's the first-ever episode of the Falcon's Nest Podcast! Join Liam McKay-Argyriou as he provides an overview of the show's goal and has an engaging discussion with today's Featured Falcon, Leodegan Ens, and listen as Alex Shaw dives into the benefits of being physically active with guests Mr. Earl and Zoe White!

Form to enter for prize: https://forms.gle/p8KVoxaZoGmhVrbPA

Email: falconnestpodcast@gmail.com

Our website: https://falconsnest.captivate.fm

Hosted by Liam McKay-Argyriou & Alex Shaw

Edited by: Blues Boldis, Marius Greyeyes & Brennon Glenister

Intro and Outro Music by: Gray Scramstad & Rhys Kelm


The Falcon’s Nest Podcast

Before we begin, we would like to acknowledge that the Falcons nest podcast is produced, recorded and distributed on treaty six territory, the traditional lands of many diverse first nations including Cree, Dene Nakota, Soto and Dakota, as well as the traditional homeland of the matey. The Falcons as podcast team pays their respects to the First Nations and Metis ancestors of this land and is committed to truly listening and learning as we work towards reconciliation together. If you're listening in a different location, please take the time to acknowledge the original stewards of the land you are currently on.

Hello, and welcome to Episode One of the Falcon's Nest podcast. I'm your host Liam McKay-Argyriou. We are so excited to have you listening to our first-ever episode. Over the next few minutes. You will be immersed into an auditory experience about Marion Graham Collegiate that will connect you to your peers, school and community in ways you never thought to be possible. Now, what is this podcast about? Well, the Falcons This podcast is planned, recorded and published by a club at MMGCI: Marion Graham Collegiate. Every aspect including the theme music, the logo and the script to name a few were developed entirely by students here at MMGCI. The purpose of this podcast is to enrich the school and personal lives of Marion Graham's students, as well as the lives of everyone in our community. The podcast will cover all the current events at the school as a listener, you will never be oh the loop with up-to-date information on events, sports clubs, academics and everything else happening at mmm GCI. And we'll also connect you to your community. With a feature Falcon segment, you will also get to know your fellow students and teachers as you hear about their achievements and stories. Finally, each episode will cover a topic related to student mental and physical health. This includes relationships, self-help, and many other topics to help guide and support students. These topics will cover every aspect of well-being through relevant facts, accessible commentary, and in-depth interviews with knowledgeable students and staff, or even a variety of experts from the community.

Before we go any further: Prizes, the Falcon’s Nest Podcast is offering a free membership to the Falcon Fitness Center, also known as the weight room, it will be valid for the remainder of the year. To enter listeners must wait until they hear the prize code, which will be revealed later in the episode. Once you know the code. Click on the Google Form link in the description of this episode and follow the instructions. Good luck.

As you have heard, there was something for everyone in the Falcons nest podcast and today's episode is no different. You will be hearing from podcast club member Alex Shaw as he explores the benefits of being physically active with today's guests vice principal Mr. Earl and senior student, Zoe white. But first, we're going to have a quick chat with today's Featured Falcon, Leodegan Ens. How's it going, Leo? Go in pretty good first time being on a podcast. So that's pretty exciting. As always the first time for everything. Now for those of you who don't know, this wonderful guy, Leodegan, or Leo, as his friends call him is a grade 12 student. You might recognize him as Eugene from this year's musical production as well. So Leo, tell us a bit about yourself, what are a few things you want users to know about you? Well, I'd say that I'm pretty much a normal person. If by normal, you mean memorizing 70 digits of Pi for fun? Usually, I spend my time reading, writing that is doing copious amounts of world-building and never actually touching the stories. And whatever else you might expect me to do, and a great deal of things you wouldn't awesome, then you are known around the school as a masterful writer. I've seen some of your work. And I always love how perfectly it bounces like a serious tone, but also a bit of absurdity, and humour. Tell us a bit about your writing. Where did it start? My writing actually started all the way back when I was four. I wrote a very short story about a leprechaun who lost his gold, couldn't find it out at the end of the rainbow and then found it in his pocket. Because I thought that it was kind of dumb how leprechauns would just keep their gold in a pot somewhere miles away from where they lived, and expect it to not get stolen. So I wrote that, my dad's had took a few pictures of each of the pages posted on Facebook and it got seven likes and that was the beginning of my writing. I tasted internet fame and it has all been downhill from there.

out. And how is your experience been continuing this reading at the creative writing classes here with Mr. Booty? I've learned a huge amount of writing both in and out of the class. I would say that my writing now is not even comparable to when I was four, which I would say is probably a good thing. Because I reread the leprechaun story a while back and child me had no sense of plot points, of timing, of action or anything like that. So now I write about immortal entities named jimothy, who blow up houses 12 times, I think is the current count. We always love a recurring joke in our writing. Last question, what's your favourite thing about MMCI? That's a difficult question. I like that. There is something for everyone with the extracurricular stuff. Like, yeah, we all come here to go to school, and that's the primary focus of GCI. But if you like Dungeons and Dragons, there's the d&d Club. If you like podcasts, there's the podcast club, if you like. I don't know what other clubs there are, but there are a lot of them. I'm just not into any of them because I am bad at most things. We're certainly not bad at being a guest. Thank you, Leo. For such a great interview. You've been such an engaging guest and we hope to have you back on the show in the future. Thanks for having me. It's been a great time recording with you. If you know a student who you think should be featured on their featured Falcon segment, email their name and grades to falconnestpodcast@gmail.com. Now, please welcome Alex Shaw to the mic for today's main topic.

As you know that only one in four high school students get the recommended amount of physical activity each day. The Government of Canada recommends that youth aged 12 to 17 do an hour every day of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity. It's a startling statistic, especially when you consider the many benefits that come with being physically active exercise can improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight, build strong bones and muscles and reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer, but the benefits don't stop there. Physical activity can also help you perform better in school by improving your concentration, memory and cognitive function. It can even help you sleep better at night, which is crucial for your overall health and academic success. My name is Alex Shaw. And in today's episode, we'll be sharing tips and tricks for incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Even if you're short on time or don't have access to a gym, we'll also be discussing the importance of finding activities that you enjoy and the benefits of trying new things. So whether you're a busy high school student or just looking for ways to improve your health and well being you won't want to miss this episode. Get ready to learn more about the many benefits of physical activity and how you can start incorporating it into your daily life. As a high school student, it can be challenging to incorporate physical wellness activities into your daily routine. However, the benefits of staying physically active cannot be overstated. Here are some tips and tricks to help you incorporate physical wellness activities into your daily routine. Number one: Set a goal. Set a specific goal for yourself such as running for 30 minutes a day or doing 50 situps a day. Having a specific goal will give you something to work towards and keep you motivated. Number Two: Wake up early. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and go for a walk or a jog before school. This will give you a boost of energy to start your day and help you get your daily physical activity. And number three, join a sports team. Joining a sports team can be a great way to get physical activity while also socializing and having fun with your peers. Number four, walk or bike to school. If it's feasible, walk or bike to school instead of taking the bus or getting a ride from a parent. This can be a great way to get your daily physical activity in and save on transportation costs. Number five, incorporate physical activity into your hobbies. If you enjoy watching TV or movies, try watching on a treadmill. If you enjoy reading, try reading while on a stationary bike. Remember, the key to incorporating physical wellness activities into your daily routine is to find something that you enjoy and make it a habit. Start small and gradually increase your activity level over time. With consistency and dedication. You can make physical activity a regular part of your routine and improve your overall health and well-being.

Hey, listeners, we hope you're enjoying the episode so far, but it's prize code time. The code is Falcon in all capital letters. To enter to win, please click on the Google Form link in the description and follow the instructions. Thank you for your support. Remember the code is Falcon in all capital letters. And now back to the show.

So today, we're really glad to be joined by Mr. Earl, vice principal head coach of the senior boy's basketball team, as well as the assistant coach of the senior football team. How are you doing today? I'm doing awesome. Thanks for having me. For sure. So would you like to tell our listeners more about your role with the senior boy's basketball team and how your guys' season has been going so far, my role as head coach of our team,

super happy to be able to continue coaching while being vice principal.

It's, it's an awesome way to get to know our students for me in a different way than I would normally do in my day-to-day work. And my day-to-day job, it which means a lot to me,

our team is doing really well. We earned a spot in what's called the Premier Division in the City League, which is the top eight teams out of

about 16 Total teams in the city. So that's pretty awesome. Right now, our record is two and three, I think in 232, or two and four in the Premier Division with our last league game tonight. Against involvement. So yeah, all things considered. We're doing really well and having a great season. For sure. Yeah. And speaking of our students, do you have any ways students can be physically active? Sorry. Well, that's cool. Yeah, I think that's huge. I know that one of the questions that you're maybe gonna ask me next is, what's the importance of physical activity? And I think, I think there are lots of ways

whether it's something simple like going for a quick walk between classes or a break, to accessing our gym or fitness center at lunch, I think that opportunity to be active during the day, maybe outside of the classroom, when you're taking fuzzy, a phys ed class currently or not, which obviously, is another way of being active, particularly if you're a great 11 or 12 students that you can choose that as one of your electives. It's a great way to, to burn off stress, it's a great way to regulate, it's a great way to just promote a healthy lifestyle.

That sort of combination of eating well, and sleeping well. And being physically active, I think is absolutely critical to our own well-being, which is obviously super important and maybe even highlighted as being more and more important as we come out of the pandemic and the focus on mental health and all those kinds of things. Yeah, for sure. Well, thank you for your time today. And I hope you have a good rest of your day. Thanks again for having me.

Today, we're really glad to be joined here by Zoe White, a grade 12 student here at Marion Graham and a part of the girls wrestling team that just won the city championships. How are you doing today? Great. How about you? I'm doing pretty well myself. Speaking of that city championships, would you like to tell our listeners how that went? Um, the girls team won the city title. And then personally, I won silver. And it went really well. For our whole team. I think so would you recommend wrestling door students? I would definitely recommend wrestling. The coach is Mr. Isabel. It's a great experience. And the team’s really close with one another. For sure. So what are some ways you could stay physically active during your personal life and how are you able to balance that physical activity with your classwork? My personal life I think going to the gym just doing regular exercise also joining any sports teams such as wrestling or basketball within the school, and then also making sure to keep on track of all your schoolwork. For sure. So thank you, Zoe. Really thank you for coming on today.

Wow, what a great dive into physical activity. I know I learned a lot and I'm sure you did too. Now, let's take a peek at some current events happening in our school in our roundup segment. The SRCS annual coffee host fundraiser for the Royal McDonald host of Saskatoon is on the horizon. Come out and watch students showcase a wide variety of talents as you enjoy snacks and refreshments. Or check out our silent auction raffle. Keep an eye on the SRC Instagram page or announcements for information on when and where to buy your tickets. We have so many new clubs popping up around the school. Check out our Paranormal Society for all things spooky and supernatural or try your hand at coding building and problem-solving but the robotics club, there's a club for everyone and I'm GCI. Speaking of existing clubs, the eSports club is always accepting new members, so come on out and join a growing community of gamers. As the badminton season continues. Don't forget to come and support our junior and senior teams at their home matches the SAS

to industry Education Council has lots of great workshops and camps that are upcoming for students interested in learning more about a particular career. Listen to announcements for more details.

Well, listener, we're almost out of time. Join us next time as we take a look at strategies for dealing with student stress and go over some study tips. I would like to thank you for listening to our first-ever episode. We are very excited to see where this podcast can go and we wouldn't be able to do it without listeners like you. If you want to provide feedback on your listening experience, or you just want to suggest students who should be interviewed. Send an email to Falcon Ness podcast@gmail.com Don't forget to check out our website which is linked in the description. Have a great rest of your day and see you next time.

That was the Falcon's Nest Podcast

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About the Podcast

The Falcon's Nest
The Official Podcast of MMGCI
The Falcon's Nest Podcast is an auditory experience about Marion Graham Collegiate that will connect you to your peers, school and community in ways you never thought to be possible. Learn about current events, discover more about your classmates and improve your physical, mental and emotional health as you listen to a show entirely created by students!